Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Fake iOS 12 Jailbreak In The Wild, Stay away from it

With the iOS 12 untethered jailbreak here, many un-trusted websites and hackers trying to  to propagate nefarious activities. As it would seem, a fake iOS 12 jailbreak is being tossed around in the wild.

Fake iOS 12 Jailbreak In The Wild, Stay away from it

Earlier today, iOS hacker Pwn20wnd hopped on Twitter early Tuesday morning to dismiss any confusion concerning the new of the fake iOS 12 jailbreak:

In the Tweet, Pwn20wnd warns everyone to stay far away from said fake jailbreak and to avoid iOS 12 if you care about jailbreaking. The latest iOS 12 releases patch most of the exploits that have been publicized as of late.

In a thread published on /r/jailbreak this morning, some claim they lost their jailbreak after attempting the fake jailbreak tool for iOS 12, while others suggest that it was harmless. Either way, we recommend avoiding it. Period.

As always, we’ll continue to keep you updated as news about jailbreak community surfaces. We always recommend avoiding rogue software and waiting for prominent members of the community to either release or validate jailbreak tools before you try them.

Don't ever visit unknown websites or download any jailbreak from such websites to avoid hacking.



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